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Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 04:30:01 PST
From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #65
To: tcp-group-digest
TCP-Group Digest Fri, 11 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 65
Today's Topics:
BBS and emergencies
Kantronics Data Engine <--> Kiss mode (3 msgs)
Re[2]: Kantronics Dataengine <--> KISS Mode
What next?
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 14:21:46 -0700 (MST)
From: Klarsen <klarsen@acca.nmsu.edu>
Subject: BBS and emergencies
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
What I have seen save aa4re's discussion on what Jeffrey Austen was
complaining about show me few people with opinions on this subject are
actual bbs sysops. I am the sysop of k5di@k5di.nm.usa.na and run the
f6fbb version 5.15c software.
In case of emergency I will go to the c:\fbb\system\fwd directory
and delete the file "bulls" that will stop all bulletin forwarding but
allow mail to flow as it normally does. When the emergency team decides
to send flood bulletins about the problem I will do what is necessary to
capture these files and leave them for all to read. It will take less
than an evening for me to get onto an emergency footing. This is the case
for my guess, 95% of the other bbs sysops world wide.
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 13:29 CDT
From: emillar@enlaces.ufro.cl (Eduardo Millar)
Subject: Kantronics Data Engine <--> Kiss mode
To: srbible@cs.nps.navy.mil, tcp-group@ucsd.edu
I+ I would like to have this information? ..
eduardo millar c.
emillar! @enlaces.ufro.cl
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 10:40:10 -0700 (MST)
From: Tim Baggett <wbaggett@NMSU.edu>
Subject: Kantronics Dataengine <--> KISS Mode
To: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@UCSD.EDU>
I have a Data Engine working in KISS mode here. All I did was to place the
(9600) modem I wanted to use in port 0. I really don't think I needed to
do this because I believe the DE uses the port that was selected at time
of the reset to use while in KISS mode (I'm using just plain vanilla KISS
here so the second port is not being used). I then did the INT KISS and
power cycled the DE.
Kinda of a waste running a DE in KISS mode anyway. It's only temporary
here, until I get the second 9600 radio/modem built up then JNOS40 is
going to join the Data Engine up on a mountain.
Good luck,
Tim Baggett, AA5DF Electrical Engineering Student
New Mexico State University
AMPR: AA5DF@NMSUGW.AMPR.ORG US Snail: 1805 Rentfrow Apt #1
(When on) AA5DF.AMPR.ORG Las Cruces, NM 88001
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 02:42:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Merritt <ka4byp@netcom.com>
Subject: Kantronics Data Engine <--> Kiss mode
To: Eduardo Millar <emillar@enlaces.ufro.cl>
I had the same problem for a long time with the DE. I somehow discovered
that flow control was necessary. These are lines from my autoexec file
that work for me:
attach asy 0x3f8 4 ax25 p1 4096 256 19200 f #comm1 as interface p1
#>> lots of lines<<
param p1 dtr 1
param p1 rts 1
#>> again more lines <<
attach kiss p1 1 p2 #second kiss port as interface p2
That will run both ports in the DE in kiss mode. You off course must use
the DE command PORTS 1 first to put it into 2 port mode. Then set
INTERFACE to KISS then do a RESET before running your NOS.
73 and Good Luck!!
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 15:03:27 pst
From: "Alan Adamson" <aadamson@symantec.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Kantronics Dataengine <--> KISS Mode
To: tcp-group@UCSD.EDU, Tim Baggett <wbaggett@NMSU.edu>
One, note make sure you set the modem or port, cant remember to 2. Do
this if you have two ports. I have a DE running on an amiga with both
ports working great in kiss mode....
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Subject: Re: Kantronics Dataengine <--> KISS Mode
Author: Tim Baggett <wbaggett@NMSU.edu> at INTERNET
Date: 3/10/94 1:58 PM
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 10:40:10 -0700 (MST)
From: Tim Baggett <wbaggett@NMSU.edu>
Subject: Re: Kantronics Dataengine <--> KISS Mode
To: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@UCSD.EDU>
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I have a Data Engine working in KISS mode here. All I did was to place the
(9600) modem I wanted to use in port 0. I really don't think I needed to
do this because I believe the DE uses the port that was selected at time
of the reset to use while in KISS mode (I'm using just plain vanilla KISS
here so the second port is not being used). I then did the INT KISS and
power cycled the DE.
Kinda of a waste running a DE in KISS mode anyway. It's only temporary
here, until I get the second 9600 radio/modem built up then JNOS40 is
going to join the Data Engine up on a mountain.
Good luck,
Tim Baggett, AA5DF Electrical Engineering Student
New Mexico State University
AMPR: AA5DF@NMSUGW.AMPR.ORG US Snail: 1805 Rentfrow Apt #1
(When on) AA5DF.AMPR.ORG Las Cruces, NM 88001
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 14:02:29 GMT
From: Jan Schiefer <jas@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
Subject: What next?
wi7c@speedway.net (KC) wrote:
> I have my two computers tied together with a simple
> null-modem cable via COM1 and want to use KA9Q NOS to
> communicate between the two using SLIP. I have tried
> configuring the two ports with the ATTACH and IFCONFIG
> commands, but cannot get the two to talk to each other.
> I am using KA9Q NOS (PA0GRI v2.0p). Any suggestions?
Off the top of my head:
Make sure you have set up the right ports with the right parameters.
Have NOS running on one PC, a terminal program that you know works on
the other. Do a ping from the PC running NOS to the other one. There
should be garbage appearing on the terminal program. Reverse roles of
the PCs, try again.
If nothing appears one the 'monitor', try an AX connect from the NOS PC
(your IP routing may be wrong, but this won't impact the AX.25).
Good luck,
Jan g0trr//dl5ue
Jan Schiefer, g0trr, jas@hplb.hpl.hp.com, HP Labs Bristol, UK. +44 272 228344
Finally, I discovered a way to create lines longer then 80 columns, even on term
End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #65